Guidelines for tariff based competitive bidding process for procurement power from grid connected wind power projects

The Ministry of Power (MOP) has published the Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement Power from Grid Connected Wind Power Projects. These guidelines, dated 26th July, 2023 were published on 2nd August, 2023. The wind power deployment in the country started in early 90s and with the conducive policy environment provided at Central and State level this segment has achieved highest growth amongst the other renewable energy technologies. The wind power installed capacity in the country is over 43GW as on 31st May, 2023, providing more than 10% of total installed capacity. Globally India is at 4th position in terms of wind power installed capacity after China, USA and Germany. The Government of India has set an ambitious target of achieving 500 GW power capacity from non-fossil fuel resources by 2030.