IMF COVID-19 Response—A New Short-Term Liquidity Line To Enhance The Adequacy Of The Global Financial Safety Net

The COVID-19 pandemic has created severe disruption in the global financial system, with many emerging market and developing countries (EMDCs) facing liquidity shortages. In the context of intensified demand for liquidity and heightened global uncertainty, staff has revisited the 2017 proposal for a new facility to provide liquidity support to the Fund’s membership. This paper proposes the establishment of a new Short-term Liquidity Line (SLL) as a special facility in the General Resources Account (GRA), based on the key features of the 2017 blueprint. The SLL is a special facility designed as a revolving and renewable backstop for members with very strong fundamentals and policy track records. It provides liquidity support for members facing potential short-term moderate balance of payments difficulties, reflected in pressures on the capital account and reserves, and resulting from volatility in international capital markets. The SLL aims to reduce the impact of liquidity events and minimize the risk of shocks evolving into deeper crises and generating spillovers to other countries.