Impact assessment on climate information services for community-based adaptation to climate change: Kenya country report

This country report forms part of a regional impact assessment conducted in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi and Niger. Specifically, the Kenya Country Report presents the results of the impact assessment on the PSP (Participatory Scenario Planning) process in various Kenyan counties. This report provides an analysis of data from face-to-face interviews in Kenyan communities and villages, as well as from PSP reports from previous rainfall seasons. The assessment identifies the success factors and challenges of the PSP process through analysis of the embedded PSP principles. A comparison of the counties has been conducted wherever possible to highlight areas that can be improved on to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of the process. This comparison was also used to identify good practices that should be integrated into the PSP process to ensure its continued evolution for further upscaling and outscaling as well as for sustainability.
