India - EU cooperation in renewable energy: special focus on solar energy

India has made considerable progress in harnessing new and renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind, biomass and small hydro. A renewable power capacity of over 13,500 MW has been installed, which is about 8% of the total installed capacity in the country and contributes about 3% to the electricity mix. Major contribution of 9500 MW has come from wind power. Renewable energy is also being deployed for a variety of decentralized applications. Over 1.5 million solar lighting systems have been deployed, mostly in the rural areas.
Recent developments in India have brought renewable energy in sharp focus in the energy security and climate change space. Keeping in view the vast potential of solar energy, with about
300 sunny days over a large part of the country, high priority has been accorded to accelerate solar power generation through both the technology routes of solar photovoltaics and solar
thermal power or Concentrated Solar Power (CSP). In the National Action Plan on Climate Change, a National Solar Mission has been announced among eight National Missionsii. A goal of 20,000 MW of solar power by 2020 is envisaged. The Solar Mission will aim to
