Integrity matters: net zero commitments by businesses, financial institutions, cities and regions
Integrity matters: net zero commitments by businesses, financial institutions, cities and regions
The United Nation’s High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) report focuses on net-zero emission commitments of non-state actors such as financial institutions, corporations, and local and regional governments. Tasked by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, the 17-member expert group recommends standards and shows the path to accountable, credible net-zero pledges. As the world races to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, greenwashing or false environmental compliance claims must be shunned. The report, released at COP27 in Egypt, recommends that non-state actors set progressive emission-reduction targets, publicly report on progress and plans, phase down the use of all fossil fuels, and demonstrate integrity when aligning commitments with actions and investments.