Just finance India: mobilising investment for a just transition to net zero in India
Just finance India: mobilising investment for a just transition to net zero in India
Ultimately, the net zero transition in India is for the benefit of its people. Therefore, people need to be included in the way the country’s 2070 target is made real through a just transition. Making the just transition a reality in India is certainly a tough task, with many uncertainties and challenges to overcome, as well as opportunities to seize. Without it, however, the path to a net zero economy in India is unlikely to be successful. This report has set out both why and how private investment can be mobilised for just transition financing in India. Beyond the realm of private investment, there are clearly many other actions needed to ensure the drive to a net zero India by 2070 not only leaves no-one behind, but is also a stimulus for achieving core development goals around poverty eradication, increasing employment and incomes, as well as reaching a new level of prosperity.