Key results of survey on unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction) in India
Key results of survey on unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction) in India
The surveys of unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises conducted by NSSO are the primary source of data on various indicators of economic and operational characteristics of such enterprises in manufacturing, trade and other service sector (excluding construction) at national and state level. These are used for planning, policy formulation, decision support and as an input for further statistical exercises. by various Government organizations, academicians, researchers and scholars.During 67th round (July 2010 to June 20ll), NSSO carried out an all-India enterprise survey on economic and operational characteristics of unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises in manufacturing, trade and other service sector (excluding construction). Based on the data collected during the survey, estimates of some key economic and operational characteristics of enterprises at all India and State levels have been presented in this report.