Load generation balance report (LGBR) 2015-16

The Load Generation Balance Report (LGBR) is brought out annually by Central Electricity Authority towards fulfillment of its obligations under section 73(a) of the Electricity Act, 2003. The annual Load Generation Balance Report (LGBR) for the year 2015-16 is the thirty-fourth publication in the series brought out by CEA. The Report covers the month-wise anticipated energy requirement and availability (in MU) as well as peak demand and availability (in MW) for the year 2015-16 considering all India annual generation target of 1137.5 BU, finalized by CEA and approved by Ministry of Power after detailed discussions with the States/ Utilities and Central/ State/ Private Generation Companies and availability from import of Power from Generation Projects in Bhutan and also availability from non-conventional and renewable energy sources in the country. The report also brings out comparison of the actual Power Supply Position with the forecasted Power Supply Position indicated in LGBR for the year 2014-15.
