Nature risk rising: why the crisis engulfing nature matters for business and the economy

The costs related to nature loss are now emerging as unanticipated business risks and systemic risks to economies says this new report by WEF. If not dealt with in a forceful way, we will fail to achieve the SDGs.

The World Economic Forum is launching a series of New Nature Economy (NNE) reports in 2020, making the business and economic case for safeguarding nature. The series aims to catalyse public-private momentum in 2020, with a focus on the UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s milestone summit (COP15) in Kunming, China, and the related Business for Nature mobilization. Nature Risk Rising, the first report in the NNE series, explains how nature-related risks matter to business, why they must be urgently mainstreamed into risk management strategies and why it is vital to prioritize the protection of nature’s assets and services within the broader global economic growth agenda.