Pacific Islands meteorological services in action: a compendium of climate services case studies
Pacific Islands meteorological services in action: a compendium of climate services case studies

The “Pacific Islands Meteorological Services in Action” Compendium which was compiled by SPREP-FINPAC Project in partnership with World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Climate and Oceans Support Programme for the Pacific (COSPPac) and Environment and Climate Change Canada is a result of a first “writeshop” for climate services in the Pacific. This compendium was identified as key priority of the Pacific Meteorological Council (PMC) Pacific Islands Climate Services Action Plan; highlighting the need to document progress made by each National Meteorological and Hydrological Services through their experiences in implementing climate services at the national level. The compendium is a twenty story publication highlighting opportunities and best practices contributing to resilient development in the region. In a large, diverse region like the Pacific, clear and concise communication of both successes and lessons learned is vital for further effective development.