Performance evaluation of sewage treatment plants in India funded under National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD)
Performance evaluation of sewage treatment plants in India funded under National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD)
This report is the outcome of the study on performance evaluation of STPs funded under National River Conservation Plan of Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India carried out by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). The report envisages performance evaluation of 152 STPs spread over 15 states in the country and having total treatment capacity of 4716 MLD. The study revealed that the actual treatment capacity utilization is only 3126 MLD (66%). Out of the 152 STPs, 9 STPs are under construction, 30 STPs are non-operational and performance of 28 STPs not satisfactory. Out of the 152 STPs, the treated effluent from 49 STPs exceeds the BOD standards and with respect to COD, 07 STPs are violating the general standards of Discharge.