Updated report of Oversight Committee in compliance of National Green Tribunal order passed in Original Application No. 490 of 2019 in Re: T. S. Singh Vs State of Uttar Pradesh with regard to prevention of discharge of untreated sewage into Sai river at Pratapgarh in Uttar Pradesh.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on New Technologies for Solid Waste Management, 02/02/2017. As per the assessment made by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) for 2015, the sewage generation in the urban areas of the country is estimated to be about 61,948 MLD (approx.) and sewage treatment capacity is for 23,277 MLD, which is about 37.6% of the total sewage generation. Further, as per the data available till Dec. 2016, the total amount of Solid waste generated in the urban areas of the country is about 1,57,478 MT/D, of which only 21.51% is being treated.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Funds for reducing pollution in rivers, 02/05/2016. It is the responsibility of the State Governments/ concerned local bodies to set up proper facilities for collection, transportation and treatment of sewage being generated and ensure that untreated sewage does not fall into the rivers thereby polluting them.

This report aims to highlight some of the successful financial management practices adopted by Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in India when implementing sewerage schemes.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Management of Sewage, 24/02/2016. The quantum of sewage generated from Class - I Cities and Class - II Towns is 38254.82 million litres per day (MLD) out of which only 11787.38 MLD (31%) is being treated and the remaining 26467.44 MLD is disposed into the water bodies without any treatment. The city wise details at Annexure-I. The various technologies being used in sewage treatment plants are Activated Sludge Process (ASP), Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR), Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR), Oxidation, Anaerobic Digesters etc.

Management of solid or liquid wastes in rural areas is much easier than in urban areas due to the fact that there are no highly contaminated industrial wastes. In rural areas, most of the wastes can be safely reused for beneficial purposes with limited resources.

Sewage Treatment plants are used to treat sewage generated from residential, institutional, commercial and industrial establishments which includes household waste liquid from toilets, baths, showers, kitchens, sinks and so forth that is disposed of via sewers.

The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation has been providing financial and technical assistance to the State Governments in realizing the objectives of safe portal drinking water and open defecation free rural India.

The present study has been undertaken to evaluate the performance of wastewater treatment systems (WWTS) in three different districts (Kolkata, Howra and Hugli) in West Bengal, India. Performance of these wastewater treatment plants are essential parameter to be monitored as the treated effluent is discharged into River Ganga which is the National River of India. The performance evaluation will also help for the better understanding of design and operating difficulties in wastewater treatment plants.

Water quality on earth is depleted due to over increasing human development activities that over exploits and affect the quality and quantity of the water resources. The rapid urbanization has resulted in pollution of fresh water bodies due to increase generation of domestic waste, sewage, industrial waste etc. This study investigated the effectiveness and feasibility for Horizontal surface flow constructed wetland/Root Zone Unit which was constructed by Environmental Planning & coordination organization (EPCO) at Ekant Park, Bhopal.
