Photochemistry of air pollution in Delhi, India: a monitoring based analysis

In National Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi, spreading ~900 Sq. km, the increasing air pollution poses a serious problem due to its direct impact on human health, such as increased incidences of chronic bronchitis, cancer of the respiratory tract, asthma, and induced premature mortality. Increase in motorization (with ~600 vehicles added to the inuse fleet per day), a large diesel based truck fleet operating through the city, series of
construction activities (including in the satellite cities of Noida and Gurgaon) and industrial emissions (local and global) resulted in deteriorated urban air quality. Increase in the incidence of morbidity and mortality due to air pollution, prompted public awareness campaigns for better air quality management. In 2007, the population of NCR was estimated at 16 million. It is expected to reach 22.5 million in 2025. This paper presents an analysis of the air quality monitoring data (from one station) and an understanding of the air pollution chemistry prevalent in the city of Delhi due to the mix of the sources.
