Power with full force: getting to gender equality in the hydropower sector

The hydropower sector, while expected to employ 3.7 million individuals by 2050, currently struggles with a significant gender disparity, with women representing only 25% of its workforce. This discrepancy underscores the urgent need to confront gender inequality in the industry and access the broadest talent pool. In response, the World Bank’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) establishes the first global baseline for gender equality within the hydropower sector and presents a set of best practices to foster diversity and inclusivity. Based on 65 corporate and 900 individual survey responses, the report discusses the challenges women face in the field, such as gender biases, a shortage of women with STEM qualifications, and an unwelcoming work environment. It emphasizes the importance of removing these obstacles to cultivate a more equitable and diverse hydropower sector. To achieve this goal, the report offers five key recommendations: enhancing STEM education opportunities for women; identifying and addressing gender disparities in the workplace; promoting hydropower careers to women; facilitating mentorship and role models; and encouraging men to support gender equality initiatives actively.