Proactive policies and business strategies for strengthening corporate environmental management in developing Asia
Proactive policies and business strategies for strengthening corporate environmental management in developing Asia
The fast growth of economy in developing Asian countries has caused various problems on the environment. Corporate environmental management (CEM) is still obviously poor and thus needs to be greatly improved. With aims to fill up the gap of policies encouraging better CEM, Kansai Research Centre, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (KRC/IGES) initiated a project under its study field of 'Business and the Environment' in April 2007. Within a period of three years scheduled for the project, various study activities have been developed to give in-depth analyses of proactive policies and business strategies for strengthening CEM in developing Asia. In particular, this project targeted three representative countries, China, India and Thailand by focusing on two emerging environmental management approaches. One is environmental information disclosure (EID) strategy and another is green supply chain management (GSCM).