Question raised in Lok Sabha on Conservation of Aquatic Eco-systems, 01/03/2016
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Conservation of Aquatic Eco-systems, 01/03/2016
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Conservation of Aquatic Eco-systems, 01/03/2016. The Ministry is providing financial assistance to the States under the scheme of ‘National Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Eco-systems’ (NPCA) for holistic conservation and management of identified wetlands and lakes in the country for achieving the desired water quality enhancement, besides improvement in biodiversity and ecosystem through an integrated and multidisciplinary approach as well as a common regulatory framework. Proposals received from the States under the scheme are considered for financial assistance on cost sharing basis subject to their conformity with the scheme guidelines, prioritization, appraisal by independent institutions, recommendations of State Level Steering Committees/Authorities and availability of Plan funds. The sanctioned projects are implemented by the concerned agencies of the State Governments.