Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Agricultural Reforms for Doubling Farmers’ Income, 26/07/2019
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Agricultural Reforms for Doubling Farmers’ Income, 26/07/2019
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Agricultural Reforms for Doubling Farmers’ Income, 26/07/2019. The Committee on Doubling Farmers’ Income (DFI) recognises agriculture as a value led enterprise and has identified seven major sources of growth, viz., improvement in crop productivity; improvement in livestock productivity; resource use efficiency or savings in the cost of production; increase in the cropping intensity; diversification towards high value crops; improvement in real prices received by farmers; and shift from farm to non-farm occupations. Various interventions and schemes that have already been rolled out on the recommendations of DFI Committee to double the income of farmers by 2022 are at annexure.