The real cost of power: report of the independent fact-finding team on the social, environmental, and economic impacts of Tata Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project, Kutch, Gujarat

The fact-finding team led by S.N. Bhargava called for suspension of the upcoming Tata Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project in Gujarat & also recommended compensating all local people for the loss of livelihood.

The Tata Mundra Ultra Mega project has disproportionately high social, environmental, and economic costs. The company, the licensing agencies of the Government of Gujarat and India, and the national and international financial institutions have either ignored or willfully neglected the high social and environmental costs and did little to mitigate them, a report released by an independent fact finding team said. The report adds: The Social Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment are misleading and erroneous, having excluded a large number of communities whose loss of livelihood was overlooked. The fact finding was carried out at the request of communities impacted by the Tata Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project (UMPP). The report found that the concerns communities raised about India’s first UMPP are complex, disturbing, and require comprehensive investigation, which should cover not just environmental and social harms but also economic impacts and destruction of livelihoods.

See Also

Feature: Tata Mundra power project blamed for falling fish catch.

Report: Annual environment & social monitoring report.

Report: Kutch coast - people, environment & livelihoods.

Document: Resettlement Planning Document.

Report: Environmental assessment report - Mundra Mega Power Project.

Report: An appraisal of the marine fisheries of Gujarat.

Feature: World Bank hears Mundra fishers.
