Report of the Working Group on Power for Twelfth Plan (2012-17)
Report of the Working Group on Power for Twelfth Plan (2012-17)
The Planning Commission constituted the Working Group on Power to formulate the programme for development of the power sector during the 12th Plan. Since its constitution in March 2011, the Working Group held three meetings on 20th
April, 2011, 28th July, 2011 and 26th September, 2011 respectively. During the first meeting of the Working Group, it was decided to constitute nine specialized Sub-Groups to address specific areas of the power sector and to comprehensively cover all the Terms of Reference of the Working Group. The Subgroups separately held their deliberations and their progress was regularly reviewed. This Report of the Working Group is a product of the culmination of the efforts put in by the various Subgroups.