Rural sanitation and hygiene strategy, 2012 – 2022: towards Nirmal Bharat

This document presents the National Rural Sanitation and Hygiene Strategy 2012-2022 finalised by the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation to achieve sanitation related goals in a time-bound manner.

This document presents the Rural Sanitation and Hygiene Strategy of the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation for the period 2012 to 2022. The purpose of the Strategy is to provide a framework to realize the vision of Nirmal Bharat, an environment that is clean, healthy and contributes to the economic and social wellbeing of all rural citizens.

See Also

Document: Guidelines for Central Rural Sanitation Programme - Total Sanitation Campaign.

Report: Monitoring systems for incentive programs: learning from large-scale rural sanitation initiatives in India.

Report: From dreams to reality - compendium of best practices in rural sanitation in India.

Report: Developing a strategy for rural sanitation, 2010 - 2012.

Report: Nurturing the rural sanitation revolution in India.

Feature: Unrealistic approach killing rural sanitation programme.
