State renewable energy capacity addition roadmap: Action Plan 2022 and Vision 2030 - Summary of findings

This document outlines the key challenges being faced by states to meet their Renewable energy targets for 2022. It draws out key recommendations emerging from the state action plans.

In November 2013, NITI Aayog (at the time, known as the Planning Commission of India) initiated a stakeholder-driven analysis of the opportunities and barriers to rapid deployment of renewable electricity in India, titled ‘India’s Renewable Electricity Roadmap 2030’. This activity was in conjunction with its role of co-leading the 21st Century Power Partnership (21CPP), a multilateral effort of the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) that serves as a platform to advance the large-scale deployment of renewable energy. This document summarizes outcomes from SAP (State Action Plan) documents, as developed by the states. It also outlines the key challenges being faced by states to meet their RE targets for 2022. The document draws out key recommendations emerging from SAP documents. The various state summaries are provided in this document.
