Status of water quality in India 2009

Water quality data of water bodies in the country forms the basis of management and planning of water pollution control.  Considering the above, CPCB envisaged a National Water Monitoring Programme (NWMP) with 1700 water quality monitoring stations, located on all important rivers, lakes including some wells for groundwater studies.  The data collected during 2009 indicates that organic pollution, as indicated by Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Coliform counts, continue to be the major water quality issues.  Out of the 7100 observations made on 64% indicate BOD within the acceptable range of 3 mg/1 and 70% indicate faecal coliform less than 500 MPN/100 ml.  Based on the data collected, polluted stretches have been identified and restoration plans conceived by the concerned State Pollution Control Boards/Pollution Control Committees.
