Swachhta Status Report 2016
Swachhta Status Report 2016
More than half of people in rural areas still go for open defecation finds this survey on 'Swachhta' Status conducted by the NSSO during May-June 2015 covering 3,788 villages and 2,907 urban blocks.
A sample survey by the government on availability and usage of toilets indicates that access to lavatories is triggering a change in attitudes of people who otherwise used to defecate in the open. Data by National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) shows that nearly 96% persons in villages and nearly 99% in urban areas, having access to sanitary toilets, use them. The "Swachhta Status Report" based on survey conducted between July 2014 and June 2015 also mentions how 46% of urban people who don't have household sanitary toilets are using community toilet complexes. The report also reflects a gradual shift in people's attitude towards household toilets in rural areas - an achievement in the face of considerable resistance to having toilets in residential premises. Just 22% of rural families had access to toilets in 2001. But sustained campaigns pushed this figure up to 32.7% in 2011. It further improved to 40.6% in 2012 and nearly touched 50% by February 2016. However, there is a long way to go to meet the goal of complete sanitation by October 2019 as 52% of people in rural areas and 7.5% in urban areas still defecate in the open, according to the survey.