Technical analysis of rapid EIA report prepared for Kutch Power Generation Ltd, Kutch, Gujarat

This is a technical analysis by CSE of the rapid EIA report for the 3300 MW coal based super-critical thermal power plant proposed by KPGL at village Bhadreshwar in Kutch district of Gujarat.




The Kutch Power Generation Limited. is planning to set up a thermal power plant at village Bhadreswar Taluka- Mundra, District- Kutch, Gujarat. This report is a technical evaluation of the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) document submitted by Kutch Power Generation Limited as part of the clearance process for 5X660 MW Coal Based Thermal Power Plant. The EIA has been conducted by the Ghaziabad -based consultant, GIS Enabled Environment and Neographic Centre (GreenC). The study area for the EIA study is 10-km radius. According to the EIA report, the nearby area of the project site is under development by the Mundra Port and Special Economic Zone (MPSEZ) along with Port and other upcoming Industries. The EIA report failed to provide information on types of other upcoming projects, size, their characteristic and distance from the project site. This is important to assess industrial stress and their subsequent impact on the local environment.

See Also

Report: EIA report of 3300 mw TPS, Bhadreswar

In-Court: Gujarat HC order on two projects of Kutch Power Generation Ltd and Mundra Port & SEZ Ltd

Report: Hydraulic modeling studies…

 Report: EIA of Mundra SEZ 316857

Legislation: EIA notification 2009

Report: Final frontier

Weblink: CSE community support programme




