Towards a framework for achieving food security in the mountains of Pakistan
Towards a framework for achieving food security in the mountains of Pakistan
Reducing poverty, hunger, and food insecurity are overarching goals of the Government of Pakistan. The government is committed to inclusive and equitable socioeconomic development and eradicating hunger, and as a part of this is currently preparing an Agriculture and Food Security Policy. To eradicate hunger, it will be important to place an additional focus on mountains and other marginal areas where the problems of food security are greatest. It is, therefore, essential to enhance and diversify the income of people that go beyond agriculture production which will be important enhancing food security. ICIMOD, together with the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) and the National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), has been making an effort to understand the special issues of food security and find solutions in the mountain areas of Pakistan. This publication is an integral part of this process.