IT MAY be unfashionable to say so these days, but Makarand Paranjape says it anyway: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was right. Realising perhaps that a straightforward discourse would make this a

"FROM the Nile to the Jordan to the Euphrates, armies have been mobilised and treaties signed over this precious commodity. In recent years, the needs of ever-increasing populations and burgeoning

This is a river straining against captivity

Like all religions, Buddhism is eco friendly. But lofty ideals rarely translate into pragmatism

Portrait of a village indifferent to the urge to move with the times

The Other Wealth (63 mins, directed by Sudipto Sen), described by its producer, Mise-en-Scene, as "a tale of magic wetlands, its people and their technology", is about an outstanding example of waste

Every major TV channel virtually bypassed Environment Day on June 5, making polite noises to mask their enthusiasm