Maharashtra is the first state in the country to launch state-wide reforms by empowering communities represented by Village Panchayat and VWSC to plan, design, execute and manage investment in drinking water and sanitation sector. This has entailed moving from top driven to bottom driven decision-making and involving beneficiaries at all level of service delivery with the aim that facilitated communities can sustainable manage their resources.

Eliminating, or even alleviating, global poverty is an enormous task. Poverty can only be truly addressed if certain conditions are met. For a long time there has been an attempt to develop rural poultry. The developmental agencies tried hard to teach the rural farmers how to take care of birds that had been brought in from other places. However, what the farmers needed was a bird suited to the local economic position and environment. There were numerous hurdles that had to be overcome before any agency could become the pioneer of a social and profit-entrepreneurship model.