Among the extreme weather events hailstorm in recent past caused significant crop damage across the country. In 2014 and 2015 unseasonal rains and hailstorms during March and April damaged rabi crops as well as horticultural crops extensively in many parts of the country.

The forecast for 655 districts and 6500 blocks had been prepared and implemented on 1P st P June, 2014. The procedure for getting forecast for the districts and blocks in India including altitude corrections is based upon regular (0.25 × 0.25) grid output from the T-574 Model and output from 9 km WRF model.

The rainfed areas receive mean annual precipitation in range of 500-1500 mm with high degree of variability and are beset with problems of mid-season drought and associated impacts on the crop productivity. In this paper, analysis of weekly, monthly, annual rainfall and weekly rainfall probabilities in relation to crop productivity has been carried out for all the stations of the study area in West Bengal where rain-fed agriculture is predominant.
