Scientists have discovered 1.7 million-year-old fossils of early human ancestors and, anthroplogists suspect, members of the species that first jouneyed out of the continent where the human species

Brazil was the poor sister of genome research, until its scientists pulled off two world-class coups. The reason behind it is FAPESP.FAPESP takes a 1 per cent share of Sao Paulo's state tax revenues,

Bad News. That's how Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institution characterizes the outlook for Earthlike bodies in the new planetary systems found in the past three years. These systems look very unlike

The World Wildlife Fund has compiled a list of 237 distinct ecological regions, representing the range of the earth's threatened biological diversity. It's a conservationists line in the san; lose

New digs and old bones reveal an ancient land that was a mosaic of peoples-including Asians and Europeans. Now a debate rages: who got here first : a

It has been one of the most bitter debates in astronomy : at what speed is the universe expanding? Ever since Edwin Hubble discovered in 1929 that the universe is growing, its galaxies carried along

Finally allowed back into the Grotee Chauvet one of hundreds of natural caverns cut into the pale limestone cliffs that form the Ardeche Gorge (France) and containing the world's rock paintings,

A new theory explains how the first feathered creatures to fly may have gotten off the ground. According to this popular theory a tree-dwelling ancestral bird could have launched itself-or

Despite global awareness, land mines are difficult to find and expensive to remove; often they infest areas still plagued by internal strife. After Diana's death, land mines were supposedly outlawed.

This is probably not the way the world ends: sometime this fall, researchers at Brookhaven National Laboratory in U.S. will tap a few commands into a computer terminal, bringing their new particle
