KOLKATA: In a desperate attempt to enforce strict dengue prevention rules at city’s construction sites, the Kolkata Municipal Corporation has served ‘stop work’ notices to as many as 50 under-cons

KOLKATA: The city’s first confirmed case of swine flu of 2018 was reported on Saturday after a software engineer tested positive for the H1N1 influenza virus.

KOLKATA: The Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) may have amended an act empowering itself against allowing stagnant water at construction sites, members of a Rapid Action Force (RAF) of the KMC he

KOLKATA: The extension of the validity of pollution undercontrol certificate (PUC) from six months to a year for BS IV vehicles, which were registered after April 2010, evoked a mixed reaction in K

Calcutta: The city's annual average air pollution level is more than double the national limit and still rising in most parts of the city, a recently published report of the West Bengal Pollution C

KOLKATA: With the first dengue in the city being reported this season, doctors across several private hospitals have started recommending NS1 and Elisa tests to patients with symptoms of the viral

KOLKATA: With water now gushing into the holds of MV SSL Kolkata, experts have given up all hope of salvaging the ship. Oil spill is a concern for experts.

KOLKATA: Solar dome, an innovation developed by city based solar power expert Santi Pada Gonchaudhuri that instantly generates power by absorbing solar energy, has been adopted at the Prime Ministe

KOLKATA: The frequency of lightning in Kolkata has increased dramatically in recent years and will continue to rise, triggering fatal consequences unless the city manages to check air pollution, sc

KOLKATA: A post-graduate student of Calcutta Medical College has tested positive for dengue, making it the first case after the onset of monsoon this year.
