The atlas "Dynamic Ground Water Resources of River Basins of India" is an attempt at compiling relevant information on the status of dynamic ground water resources for all the river basins of India.

Central Ground Water Board, West Central Region, has been issuing Ground Water Year Book annually for Gujarat state by compiling the hydrogeological, hydrochemical and groundwater level data collected from the Groundwater Monitoring Wells established by the Board in Gujarat State.

Safe and clean water supply for domestic as well as for sustainable supply for irrigation and industrial requirement is toughest challenge due to rapidly declining ground water resources in major part of the state. Monitoring of water level plays important role for effective estimation of ground water resources.

Central Ground Water Board, North Western Region, Chandigarh has established Ground Water Observation Wells (GWOW) in Haryana State for monitoring the water levels.

Ground Water Year Book is based on the information generated through field studies. The data has been analyzed by Officers of Central Ground Water Board, State Unit Office, Delhi and presented in the report.

Central Ground Water Board, North Central Region, Bhopal monitors ground water level in the entire state of Madhya Pradesh through a network of 1511 ground water monitoring dug wells and piezometers, four times in a year in order to bring out the spatial and temporal changes in the ground water regime.

At present a total of 1500 GWMWs are monitored representing almost all the blocks of twenty three districts of the states of West Bengal. Due to inaccessibility in Andaman group of Islands, initially the task was taken up with the help of a few GWMWs but gradually the number of stations have been increased to 113.

Dissemination of technical information in a way that is very useful to the user agencies is an important aspect that plays a vital role in the safe and optimal development of groundwater resources of our country. As an effort in this direction, Central Ground Water Board is bringing out “Groundwater Year Book” each year.

The ground water level monitoring carried out by Central Ground Water Board, Southern Region, and Hyderabad during 2020-21 is compiled in the form of Ground Water Year Book. It outlines the ground water level behaviour in the current year with reference to the corresponding periods of previous year and also with last decadal mean.

Master Plan for artificial Recharge to Groundwater in India was prepared by CGWB in the year 2013, which was the revision of the conceptual plan made in 2002. In view of the active participation of central and State agencies in water conservation, a need was felt to revise the master plan prepared in 2013.
