Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Syed Riyaz Vs Union Territory of J&K dated 02/02/2024.

Compliance status of brick kilns in J&K filed by the Member Secretary, J&K PCC informed the court that the total number of brick kilns in Jammu and Kashmir is 570. Brick kilns functional with consent is 196 and without consent is 132. Closure orders issued by the Jammu & Kashmir Pollution Control Committee is 146. A total of 147 brick kilns have applied for consent and are under process at various stages for accord of consent.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of In re : News item published in Newspaper ‘The Hindu’ dated 04.02.2023 titled “19 families shifted after houses in J & K village develop cracks” dated 11/12/2023.

The matter is taken up suo-moto and it relates to the damage which was caused to 21 structures in Doda district in Chenab Valley in UT of Jammu and Kashmir since earth had started slipping.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Raja Muzaffar Bhat Vs Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir & Others dated 28/11/2023.

Report of the Jammu & Kashmir Pollution Control Committee in the matter of Syed Riyaz Vs Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir.

The matter is related to brick kilns in district Budgam.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of News item published in Newspaper ‘The Hindu’ dated 04.02.2023 titled “19 families shifted after houses in J & K village develop cracks” dated 20/09/2023.

Factual note filed by the District Mineral Officer, Baramulla in response to News article published in Village Square website dated 20.08.2023 titled, “Gypsum Jam: Rampant mining troubles Kashmir villagers” (O.A. NO. 538/2023).

Order of the High Court of Jammu & Kashmir And Ladakh at Srinagar in the matter of Court on its own Motion Vs State of Jammu & Kashmir and Others dated 24/08/2023.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Syed Riyaz Vs Union Territory of J&K & Others dated 14/07/2023. The matter related to unauthorized operation of near about 200 brick kilns in district Budgam, Union Territory Jammu & Kashmir in violation of environmental norms.

Report by MoEF&CC in Original Application No 93 of 2023 regarding news item published in The Hindu dated 04/02/2023 titled '19 families shifted after houses and Jammu & Kashmir village develop cracks'.

Additional affidavit on behalf of Raja Muzaffar Bhat regarding large scale pollution caused by discharging untreated sewage as well as dumping of municipal solid waste unscientifically in river Doodh Ganga and Mamath Kull in Srinagar and Budgam districts, Jammu & Kashmir.

The applicant has listed some points with regard to the present status of the river Doodh Ganga and Mamath Kull despite specific directions passed by the NGT. Raja Muzaffar Bhat said there has been no installation of sewage treatment plants on river Doodh Ganga stretch.
