The virus H1N1 has not changed its strain in Rajasthan and tamiflu medicine is quite effective for its treatment in the state, officials from National Institute of Virology, (NIV), Pune confirmed.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Residents of Village Jojro Ka Kheda Vs State of Rajasthan dated 24/01/2019 regarding pollution caused by M/s Manomya Tax India Ltd. in District Chittorgarh, Rajasthan. A joint team of Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board (RSPCB) and the SDM, Chittorgarh was directed to furnish a factual report in the matter by the Tribunal.

Amid scare of swine flu, health department has reached out to 83.2 lakh people across the state for conducting their screening for swine flu in three days of its massive door-to-door campaign launc

Until January 13 this year, 49 people died of the disease across the country, and 1,694 cases were reported. Rajasthan topped the list with 31 deaths.

Swine flu on Wednesday claimed one more life in Rajasthan, taking the toll to 39 since January 1, officials said.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Muzaffar Hussain, Ecosorz Foundation Vs State of Rajasthan dated 16/01/2019 regarding illegal extraction of ground water in Rawatbhata, District Chittorgarh, Rajasthan by water mafia for commercial purpose.

JAIPUR: Jodhpur is witnessing one of its worst outbreaks of swine flu as one more patient succumbed to the disease on Sunday taking total toll to six in past six days.

JAIPUR: Rising level of air pollution is proving to be increasingly hazardous to the lungs.

JAIPUR/JODHPUR: Swine flu has made a comeback in the state with 44 persons tested positive for the disease and one person succumbed to the disease in past two days.

Report of the High-Powered Committee submitted in compliance of order dated October 23, 2018 of National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench in the matter of Gram Panchayat ARABA Vs State of Rajasthan & Others. The matter related to pollution by industries in Jodhpur city along Jojari river.
