Ten villages on the outskirts of Delhi have suffered a damage of up to Rs 7 crore after their cauliflower fields were attacked by the Diamond black Moth. An area of 5,000 acres spread over the

Report : A report on the Delhi drought that destroyed the kharif crops has assessed the damage to be more than Rs 10 crore after Delhi Food and Civil Supplies Minister Yoganand Shastri had sent the

Contrary to apprehensions over adverse environmental impact of genetically modified plants, field experiments in the country have proved that transgenics held great promise for improving agricultural

Well-known agricultural scientist, has been selected for the UNESCO Gandhi gold medal in recognition of his outstanding work for extending the benefits of biotechnology to poor and marginalised

Bayer (India) Ltd, the manufacturers of Racumin, a rodenticide released the product in Vijayawada. The product is a multi dose anti-coagulant rodenticide which had to be used for five consecutive

Solar dryers, a low-cost technology can save grain, fruit and vegetables worth billions in the country, specially in Balochistan, NWFP and Northern Areas.Grains, apricots, grapes, dates, pomegranate

Geographical indications are one form of intellectual property rights (IPRs) discussed in Gatt. Within geographical indications, the Uruguay round agreement provides for higher standards of

An advisory committee to Japan's Minister of Health and Welfare will consider on November 15 whether to approve seven new varieties of genetically modified (GM) crops under the Ministry's food safety

India and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have entered into an agreement to strengthen plant quarantine measures in India and South Asian

The Food and Drug Administration yesterday came under fierce attack for failing to respond positively to consumer group demands for labelling ofgenetically-modified
