Monsanto Co chairman Robert Shapiro pledged openly to discuss genetically modified (GM) crops yesterday but said the company remainedconvinced that biotechnology was a promising and

Reacting to a statement by Punjab Agricultural Unversity (PAU) experts, published in a section of the Press, exhorting farmers to desist from cultivating the newly -released wheat variety, HD 2687,

The farmers of the Uttar Pradesh's intensive sugarcane growing belt of Bhagpat are shifting to Basmati and wheat cultivation for better returns. The trend is set to gain momentum as the scientists of

Monsanto, the US biotech giant now in the eye of a storm over its geneticaly modified food research, suffered a setback with its decision to stop plans to produce terminator (sterile) seeds, a

In view of the fact that adulteration of milk in different forms, including mixing of milk with water and preparation of synthetic milk; have become a routine, a large number of players in the dairy

At a time when farmers are concerned over the inadequate supply of water to the lands under Nagarjunasagar project, the action of the officials of the irrigation department in imposing a 10 per cent

The committee investigating alleged leakage of genetically-modified Bt cotton into the open environment said yesterday it suspected the leakage could have been a result of lax control in the 1997

At a time when agriculture in the state is passing though a crisis, government neglect and shortage of funds are threatening to make Punjab Agriculture University irrelevant.

The paddy fields in Barpeta areas have been mercilessly attacked by a kind of rice hspa since August. At the first stage, the area affected was around 4,500 hectares. When the matter was reported to

The last time 79 year-old Charies Gatangi took up arms was four decades ago- a young man determined to claim back land grabbed by British colonialists. Now frail and ageing, Mr Gatangi and his peers
