China has honoured a top Indian agicultural scientist, Dr. Gurudev S Khush, for his contributions in augmenting the production of rice in the world's most populous

An agreement has been signed between the Social Welfare Council and the US based Winrock International Institute of Agriculture Development for extending the implementation period of the Farmer to

Japanese Agriculture Minister Shoichi Nakagawa said yesterday that Japan would implement mandatory labeling for food containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs), but he declined to comment on

Britain was embroiled in a new scare about genetically modified crops yesterday after the BBC said it had evidence that GM pollen was escaping fom British field trials

The food ministry has proposed a 50 per cent increase in wheat and rice allocation to families below poverty line (BPL) under the public distribution system (PDS) to reduce burgeoning buffer

Soya growers in Brazil, the world's second-largest producer of the bean, grumble about the high debts and low prices. Unsurprisingly, many hope that they may be able to cut their costs by using

Police said yesterday environmental activists had damaged an experimental crop of genetically modified (GM) seed in northern England, the second such attack in the country in a week. "Damage to the

More than 200 Thai-Karens are facing starvation after being evicted from Kui Buri national reserve forest to a village 30km away. Since July 15, troops from the 19th Infantry Regiment have moved 206

The Himachal Pradesh Government today urged the Centre to get incorporated suitable amendment in the Word Trade Organisation(WTO) regulations to save the domestic apple industry from the adverse

The advent of bio-technology as a powerful tool has opened new vistas in breaking the genetic yield barriers, requiring a complete reorientation of out research agenda, said Dr. T.V. Karivardaraju,
