China has been subject to floods, droughts and heatwaves for millennia. However, in recent decades climate risks have been changing rapidly for different groups of people and sectors – posing a significant challenge for China’s policy makers. In this short video we describe how China has been working to understand and respond to climatic risk, based on research conducted for the Adapting to Climate Change in China project and published in a book, Climate Risk and Resilience, edited by two of the INTASAVE-CARIBSAVE Group's in-house experts:

07 Sep 2015


What countries will do at the national level is less important than the nature and scope of international cooperation




Fri, 2015-10-23 (All day)
Sat, 2015-07-25 (All day)

Three postdoctoral research fellow vacancies at UNEP-IEMP are open for applications, with its research fields in Ecological Economics, Ecosystem Restoration, and Climate Change.

Mon, 2015-07-13 (All day)
06 Feb 2015

Moving from emission reductions to energy use as the basis for international cooperation must now shape our approach to the climate negotiations

