Yukiya Amano, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Monday advocated the process of making nuclear power available to developing nations for peaceful purposes.

Mr Amano was in Mumbai to address the 21st annual meeting of the Indian Nuclear Society in Kharghar.

Beijing: Executions are not enough deterrent for Chinese culprits bent on raking in money in illegal ways, the police has indicated. The Chinese police found the 2008 scandal being repeated in milk dairies and arrested 96 people for mixing the toxic additive melamine with milk.
A similar case of contamination had left six children dead and 300,000 sick in 2008.

With New Delhi gradually losing interest in the proposed Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline, the prospects of China replacing India in the ambitious project are brightening.

India is now marshalling all its resources to ensure an early fruition of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) to meet its growing demand for natural gas, sources in the government acknowledged.


China has claimed a breakthrough in extracting uranium and plutonium from spent fuel, saying this would enable the country to run its nuclear power plants for three thousand years with existing uranium resources.

After decades of research, China has made a breakthrough in extracting uranium and plutonium from spent fuel, state-run CCTV announced on Monday.
It said China plans to set up 60 new


Some legitimate questions have been raised over the green credentials of wind turbines. Politics must not block research where it is needed. (Editorial)

New Delhi: Indian and Chinese companies signed 48 agreements worth nearly $16 billion as Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao began his threeday visit seeking to deepen trade and investment relations between the two Asian giants.

Top Indian and Chinese companies signed agreements in several sectors including power, telecom, steel, wind energy and food and marine products as the Chinese premier sought

China will start developing unconventional gas sources within 10 years to fuel its massive economy, possibly bringing down global liquefied petroleum gas prices, a senior energy consultant said on Thursday.

The expanding country faced with flat to declining production of normal gas sources in 20 years aims to do geologic tests and approve projects within a decade for resources such as shale gas

In its annual World Energy Outlook, the International Energy Agency said that demand would increase by 36 per cent by 2035
World energy demand will grow by more than a third over the next 25 years, led by increased consumption in China, and fossil fuels will still be the main source, an influential forecasting agency said on Tuesday.

In its annual World Energy Outlook, the International Energy

China's industry ministry is considering regulations to tighten pollution standards for rare earth producers, Xinhua news agency reported on Sunday, a move the country's top firm said might further raise export prices.

Yang Wanxi, a government adviser involved in preparing the new regulations, said a draft had been filed with the Ministry of Industry and Information, aiming to force producers t
