Ananth Krishnan

BEIJING: China spent almost twice as much as the United States on clean energy investments last year, and is now set to take the lead as the world's premier green energy power, according to a report released on Thursday.

Ananth Krishnan

BEIJING: China is on track to meet its target of lowering energy intensity by 20 per cent before the end of the year despite severe setbacks caused by the financial crisis, said its top climate official on Wednesday.

China is the world's factory, and is developing its infrastructure and urban centers at breakneck speed. The country produces more steel than any other economy, and half the world's cement - a fact that is illustrated by huge construction sites in every neighborhood. The industrial sector takes up an astounding 72% of China's energy to feed this demand.

Brazil, China, India and South Africa have each worked to improve access to electricity services. While many of the challenges faced by these countries are similar, the means of addressing them varied in their application and effectiveness. This report analyses the four country profiles, determining the pre-requisites to successful rural electrification policies.


Shanghai: Authorities in eastern China have said they will release 20 million algae-eating fish into one of the nation

30 Jan 2010

Copenhagen Accord: country submissions

By now, Australia, US, China and EU have all sent their letters to UNFCCC secretariat regarding their ‘willingness to support’ the Copenhagen Accord or not. It is interestingly to break down the communication and to read between the lines.

The latest CSE study found high levels of phthalates, a chemical used to soften plastic, in all samples of children

Large parts of central China are facing power cuts and energy rationing as a result of extreme winter weather that has disrupted coal supplies and prompted a spike in energy demand.

N Udaykumar, Magadi (Ramanagar dt), Jan 7, DH News Service:

Silk reelers in Magadi taluk in Ramanagara district have tears in their eyes literally. Mysterious fumes emanating from raw silk imported from China have not only blurred their vision but their livelihood.
