A US based Tibetan organisation says not only is China intending to build a nuclear reactor near Lhasa, but is also setting up sites for missiles targeted at India on the Tibetan plateau.

Despite indications that it may take longer, China is doggedly pursuing its goal of becoming a GATT member this year.

CHINA'S cut-rate, space-launch business may not be much of a bargain, especially after its most recent effort resulted in the disappearance into space of a US-built, Australian-owned

With the pollution conscious West pushing large scale production of toxic chemicals to India, the result is more exports and more environmental damage.

China intends to spend about $2 billion in the next two or three years to become a power in the highly competitive computer industry. Chinese officials confirmed recently in Texas they plan to make

THE 1990-91 edition of World Resources, brought out by the Washington-based World Resources Institute (WRI), concluded developing countries as a group contribute to nearly half of the global warming problem. This was an astonishing finding, given that it

Mud"s low cost and malleability makes it an ideal building material. But its use can be popularised only if such drawbacks as its susceptibility to moisture is overcome and misconceptions about mud housing are cleared.

The first group to work seriously on stabilised mud blocks was based in Bangalore. Over the years, the group has achieved many s significant breakthroughs in mud technology.

The Mud Village Society was conceived as a "habitat in consonance with the total ecosystem". But the highly touted project may never be implemented.

Some mud houses built on the outskirts of Bangalore have developed cracks, raising doubts about the viability of mud as a building material. What went gone wrong?
