The relationship between trade policy and climate policy needs to improve in the future, in particular with a view towards implementing the Paris Agreement.

The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety establishes the right of Parties to take socio-economic considerations into account when deciding on imports or domestic measures relating to genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have been engaged in discussions on the future of the climate change regime.

As governments increasingly adopt policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, concern has grown on two fronts. First, carbon leakage can occur when mitigation policies are not the same across countries and producers seek to locate in jurisdictions where production costs are least affected by emission constraints.

Labelling schemes according to which information on a product

The World Trade Report 2007 marks sixty years of multilateralism in trade through the GATT/WTO. The report devotes some space to reviewing what theorists have to say about why governments are motivated to cooperate with one another through an institution like the WTO. The approach is multi-disciplinary and takes up arguments made by economists, political economists, international relations theorists and lawyers.

The report looks at the circumstances in which the GATT was born and goes on to explain why governments believe it is in their interests to cooperate on trade matters.

In 20 years, the world has come full circle: in the mid 1980s the process of globalisation intensified with the rich countries taking the lead in interconnecting countries because it was in their

Dispute between US and EU set to hot up in WTO

Think of an invasion, and the picture that comes to mind is usually that of planes and tanks, machines and men, shells and gunshots. But animal and plant species also run amok, especially when they enter an ecosystem where they didn t previously exist. Af
