CHINA has been literally flooded with trouble. Coping with torrential showers reportedly the heaviest in 100 years was bad enough; the bursting of a river dike compounded the problem.

Even as nuclear powers the world over observed a moratorium on nuclear tests, China tested its first mobile intercontinental ballistic missile -- capable of hitting targets in Asia, Russia and even

Who will dispense justice in Hong Kong once the British pack up and leave? The issue has evoked a heated debate between Britain and China. Britain is all for setting up the independent Court of Final

Natural musk from the musk deer is now being replaced by an artificial variety made by Chinese scientists working on this project since 1976. Musk is an ingredient in 295 Chinese

BOTANISTS will now have easy access to information on Chinise flora. An English version of the Chinise Florae Republic Popularis Sinicae,documenting about 30,000 Chinise plant species, has been

China is opening its doors to the world in every sense of the phrase. In mid-February, the official Guangming Daily reported that the country had declassified 90 per cent of its scientific and

The US is hopping mad about Chinese outfits copying and selling American products

Microsoft, the US computer software giant, has firsthand experience of its products being pirated in China. Despite burgeoning demand for personal computers -- China imports between 500,000 and

The Chinese government is all set to take action against "fraud scientists". From 1995, stricter controls will be imposed on scientific achievements to weed out fraudulent breakthroughs from genuine

China now wants to ensure birth of only healthy babies. It has adopted a law on Maternal and Infant Health Care, designed to "improve the quality of births". The law aims to upgrade maternity and
