Despite vehement domestic and international opposition, China has decided to go ahead with the massive new dam project on the Yangtze

China's recent decision to ban tobacco advertising may send the ambitions of international cigarette giants up in spoke. With a population of nearly 1.2 billion and one of every three smokers in the

Cheetos, the crispy American cheese puffs, have come to China minus the cheese. Residents of Guangdong province of China, where the $1 million venture has been launched, have reportedly turned up

The Chinese government is determined to dig deeper to extract more oil, gas, copper and other key minerals to keep up its present pace of development, says Xinhua, the official news agency. The

THE Chinese government, on the face of it: the saga of a mere mortal whose ideas on democracy and free speech exposed a state at its Draconian best begins on February 28, 1989. A book, condemning

MULTINATIONALS are having a field day on Chinese television. Ever since Robert Wang, a Chinese-American entrepreneur, persuaded the state-run China Central Television to air company profiles on its

BRITAIN and China have finally joined the international ban on dumping nuclear wastes at sea. The two countries, Russia, Belgium and France had abstained when the London Convention - a

THE World Bank has commended the Chinese government's resettlement record - at "well over 30 million", the world's largest - as a "model" for most types of resettlements. A leaked report, in which

BRITAIN is having a hard time reconciling its business interests and its self-professed environmental concerns. Although the British firm GEC-Alsthom has supplied turbine generators for China's Daya

NORMAL life came to a grinding halt in Canada when a geomagnetic disturbance hit two of its communications satellites -- Anik E1 and Anik E2. Television and radio transmissions were disrupted
