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The temperature and salinity of deep waters in the Southern Ocean are changing markedly and might be linked to global climate change, scientists warned recently. They have found that water at the

Sounding a warning to the Bhakhra Beas Management Board (BBMB), which runs the 990 MW Beas-Sutlej Link (BSL) hydro project that has starved to death the river life downstream from Pandoh dam to the

In this sweaty Gulf of Mexico fishing village, poor families in dirt-floor homes dream, like millions of people around the world, of owning air-conditioned cars and refrigerators. Scraping out a

Competition to develop fuel cells for practical use is intensifying with the coming into effect of the Kyoto Protocol obliging developed countries to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Fuel cells

Scientists believe that not only is India polluting its own air by cooking food over burning coal, it is also badly affecting that surrounding the entire south Asian region by using this stone age

Diesel is still sweeping Europe. Hybrids are catching on in North America and Japan. But these trends are only short-term, some auto engineers say, as the industry prepares for the day the world's

The world is focussing on the industrial sector for a cleaner environment under Kyoto Protocol . However no attention is being paid to the agriculture sector in India that is responsible for the

Effective control of forest fires may prove crucial in the fight against global warming since blazes from Alaska to Indonesia spew out vast amounts of heat-trapping gases, Canadian foresters said.

Former U.S. Secretary of State James Baker, a close ally of the Bush family, broke ranks with the Bush administration Thursday and called for the United States to get serious about global warming.

Experts participating in a national dialogue on "Dams and development" here today examined the difficult correlation between the concerns of stakeholders and the need for water availability,
