The Indian Paper makers Association has offered to work jointly with the government to reforest the rapidly dwindling forest cover in the country.According to a statement released by the organisation
In an alarming development, all the North Eastern States including Assam and barring Mizoram and Tripura, have recorded massive loss of forest cover. The massive depredation of forest has taken a
With the Indonesian government short of money and preoccupied with an economic crisis that threatens to lead to serious social unrest, concern is growing in Singapore and Malaysia that the region
The Sarawak government has issued a directive for "water bombing" to be carried out in drought stricken Miri to douse fires that have been ravaging forests since last
The Indian Rubberwood Task Force (IRTF), along with the International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO), Japan, is organising a three-day international seminar here on the potential and problems of
The World Wide Fund-India and a number of eminent environment conservationists have taken exception to the environment and forests ministry's decision to allow felling of certain categories of the
The use of waste paper has been growing by leaps and bounds globally. In India, it contributes 40 per cent of the national production of paper. In other words, every percentage increase of collection
That the forest resources of the country have always been under threat is nothing new. So when the Union Minister for Environment and Forests expressed concern about this precious resource touching a
The significance of the order passed by the three-judge Banch of the Supreme Court on January 15 is to be seen not only in the immediate context of the plywood industry in the North-East being
The Union Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) will evolve a long term policy for mineral exploration by mining industries in the forest rich areas of the