A scientist in the US envisions that owners of tomorrow's electric cars would not only buy electricity for their vehicles but they could also be able to sell it back. Willett Kempton at the

A method has been developed that would help convert carbon dioxide (CO2 ) into gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The process developed by the Osaka National Research Institute, Japan,

Cars that use liquid nitrogen as fuel may help reduce carbon dioxide emissions

Rural Filipinos have cut their dependence on firewood by using cost effective rice hull stoves

Researchers at Northeastern Uni

The use of alcohol as an alternative transport fuel is a viable option for India

The Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) held a series of meetings at the UN Environment Programme headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, from March 14-19, 1997.

End of giant electricity generators is foreseen by the discovery of new polymer fuel cells

A fuel cell which burns gas from a landfill site has begun operating in Groten, Connecticut, US. The project utilises a 200 kW phosphoric acid fuel cell which is expected to generate power from the

A new generation of electric cars is moving down the ramp. Running on fuel cell technology, these are being called the eco friendliest cars by far
