The Western Ghats have been labeled a world heritage site, but scientists from the city-based Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology have found that biodiversity is not well conserved in the reg

With the lion safari and breeding centre gradually taking shape in about 300 hectares of Fisher forest in Etawah district of Uttar Pradesh, purebred lions, unlike their counterparts in Gir and Juna

Expediting the proposal on Uttar Pradesh's first lion safari in Etawah, the State Wildlife Department has completed the Master Plan of the project.

AHMEDABAD: The state forest and environment department, in a notification issued on Thursday, has reiterated that it is mandatory for all projects in the 10-km area of wildlife sanctuaries to obtai

Forest Department Says It Does Not Want To Lose Sympathy Of Locals

Rajkot: Gujarat’s forest department is facing a strange dilemma. Officials would like to book people who harass the Asiatic Lion in Gir and surrounding areas so that they can teach the pranksters a lesson and set an example. But if they do take legal recourse, they fear losing the sympathy of locals, an important factor in the successful conservation of the wild cat in its last home in the world.

Ahmedabad: A lioness staring into the lens with a stately gaze.

AHMEDABAD: The fight to save Gujarat's USP, the Asiatic Lion, has begun in earnest. The Supreme Court's order staying the reintroduction of cheetah in Kuno Palpur has not only dealt a blow to the ministry of environment and forests (MoEF), but has got the Gujarat forest department officers on their toes to save its USP.

The apex court had recently stayed the Rs 300 crore cheetah reintroduction project and sought to know if saving cheetah or lion was its priority.

AHMEDABAD: A lioness staring into the lens with a stately gaze. This one photograph on the Madhya Pradesh (MP) Tourism department's website to sell the Kuno Palpur Sanctuary has upset government officials in Gujarat - the only home of the Asiatic lion in the world at present.

MP Tourism has started selling the Kuno Palpur as an alternative site for the wild cats even as the two neighbouring states fight a legal battle in the Supreme Court over shifting some lions from the Gir sanctuary.

The Government’s ambitious plan to introduce African cheetah into Indian terrain sustained a blow on Tuesday with the Supreme Court ordering stay on the project till the necessary sanctions andperm

The Supreme Court on Tuesday stayed the implementation of the Cheetah Reintroduction Programme by which the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) had proposed to import the African large-sized feline to India.

A forest bench comprising justices K.S. Radhakrishan and C.K. Prasad restrained the government from going ahead with the Rs. 300 crore project in the wake of questions being raised that a “totally misconceived” venture was pushed without consulting that National Board for Wildlife (NBW) which is a statutory body for the enforcement of the wild life law.
