Order of the National Green Tribunal (Central Zone Bench, Bhopal) in the matter of Ujjwal Sharma Vs Union of India & Others dated 10/01/2025.

An application was registered on the basis of a news item titled "1 Kodo poisoning behind elephant deaths in MPs Bandhavgarh All you need to know" appearing in n CNBCTV18.com. The matter related to death of 10 elephants in Madhya Pradesh, Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve as highlighted in the media news and the matter was taken up by the Principal Bench of the NGT.

Maintaining habitats amidst a mosaic multiple-use landscape connecting the protected areas is important to maintain ecosystem balance as well as viable and genetically diverse populations.

Massive effort to save the third infected cub at Bandhavgarh tiger reserve (BTR) Come a cropper with its death on Wednesday morning. Two cubs had died earlier.

Alleging violation of laws in construction of tiger safari in Madhya Pradesh’s Pench national park, the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), the apex body for tiger conservation, expressed

Madhya Pradesh has lost yet another tiger on Sunday.

The Madhya Pradesh Ecotourism Board's (MPETB) decision to set up three tiger safaris in the buffer zone of Pench, Bandhavgarh and Kanha tiger reserves has no mandatory sanction from National Tiger

PUNE: Tiger deaths persisted in the country despite the Union and state governments' efforts towards conservation.

Poachers killed yet another tigress - fourth in the last two years - with an electric trap at the buffer zone of Bandgavgarh National Park (BNP) in Umeria district of Madhya Pradesh late on Sunday

Populations of three vulture species of the genus Gyps, the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus and Red-headed Vulture Sarcogyps calvus have declined markedly on the Indian subcontinent since the mid-1990s and all are now Critically Endangered or Endangered. Gyps vultures have been killed by the widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac, ingested when they feed on carcasses of domesticated ungulates treated with the drug shortly before death. However, it is not known whether Egyptian Vulture and Red-headed Vulture are also sensitive to diclofenac.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Central Zonal Bench, Bhopal) in the matter of Tribunal at its own motion v. Ministry of Environment and Others dated 13/02/2014 regarding mining leases in
