Madhya Pradesh government's proposed Majhgaon medium irrigation project, which will submerge 78.6 hectare of Panna Tiger Reserve's (PTR) buffer area and require 426.7 hectare of forestland, has bee
In a significant development which will pave the way for final forest clearance to the Centre's ambitious Ken-Betwa river-linking project, the Forest Advisory Committee (FAC) - an apex body of the
The forest advisory committee (FAC), an expert body that advises the government on approval or rejection of major projects involving diversion of forest land has recently recommended the Ken-Betwa
The “controversial” Ken-Betwa river-linking project proposed in poverty-ridden Bundelkhand region in Madhya Pradesh has found its first victim in Panna Tiger Reserve (PTR), robbing the national par
JAIPUR: Tigers should be reintroduced at the Mukundra Hills Tiger Reserve (MHTR) in Kota to decongest the tiger population of Ranthambore, opined wildlife experts during the seminar, 'Tiger reintro