Judgment of the Supreme Court in the matter of T N Godavarman Thirumulpad/ Gaurav Kumar Bansal Vs Union of India & Others dated 06/03/2024.

Submission of compliance report by Assam in National Green Tribunal order dated March 9, 2022 in the matter of a news item published in the Hindu dated February 27, 2022 titled “Tourism has brought economic prosperity to the Himalayan region, but the environmental cost has been catastrophic”.

Order of the Madras High Court regarding relocation of Thengumarahada village in the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu.

The court said that the guidelines for preparation of the Tiger Conservation Plan itself mandates relocation of human settlements affecting the core area of tiger reserves. The Supreme Court in Ajay Dubey -Vs- National Tiger Conservation Authority (2012 13 SCC 782) has been passing orders mandating the implementation of the guidelines issued by the National Tiger Conservation Authority, said the order.

India now accounts 70 percent of the world's total population of tigers, the environment ministry said while releasing its fourth detailed national tiger estimation report.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of News item published in "The Times of India" Authored by Vijay Pinjarkar Titled "String of new road projects in Maha to cut off tiger corridors" dated 07/07/2020.

The tiger signifies the health of the forest, their ecosystem function and services. India's wild tigers account for more than 75% of the global tiger population. India has played the leadership role in fostering wild tiger conservation and management at the global level by taking up several milestone initiatives.

Report by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) to the National Green Tribunal in Original Application No. 1030/2018 on the news item published in The Times of India and authored by Vijay Pinjarkar titled "String of new road projects in Maha to cut off tiger corridors."

National Tiger Conservation Authority has been constituted under the Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act, 2006. Further section 38 O of the Act empowers to exercise the powers conferred on and to perform the functions assigned to it under the said Act for Tiger Conservation.

Serious differences have emerged between the Centre and Telangana Government over uranium explorations in the Amrabad Tiger Reserve, spread across Mahbubnagar and Nalgonda districts in southern pa

As per the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), which keeps records of tigers and leopards, there have been 141 cases of poaching, while 84 seizures have been made between 2012 and 2018, P
